Monday, January 14, 2008

Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hello out there!

My name is...well, actually, I don't really have a name, yet.

Heck, the folks don't even know if I'm a boy or a girl, yet! But, they should find out next month.

Mommy says, if I'm a girl, she's going to name me "Fannie" and, if I'm a boy, she's going to name me "Herbert." (But, I think she's just kidding. Not that there's anything wrong with those names! In fact, I had a Great-Great-Great Grandmother named Fannie Valentine, and still have a Great-Great Uncle named William Herbert! I know they'd be proud to have me named after them! ;-))

I'm scheduled to make my grand entrance into the world sometime this summer, probably in July.

All I know is that I'm going to have Abbey Dawn as my Big Sister! She has her own blogsite at:

And, don't worry about me not having any playmates my age. Daddy says there's like a jillion pregnant moms on the hall and they're going to have their babies this year, too! He says it must be something in the water!

I wish I had some more flattering photos to show you, but I'm posting the only two I have below. I'll try to get some better ones as I get bigger.

For now, thanks for visiting and stop by often!


Baby Texan

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