Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ready For Thanksgiving?

Boy, I sure am! This has been quite a year and I'm ready for some turkey and dressing and cranberry sauce and candied yams and pecan pie! Of course, I guess I'll have to settle for whatever Mom says I can have. You know, pureed turkey from a jar just ain't the same!

Anyway, I sure have lots to be thankful for this Thanksgiving and I know you do, too! Be sure to take time to thank the Lord for His blessings before you sit down to dinner on Thursday.

I'm sure Daddy will be watching Dallas play Seattle on TV in the afternoon, but I'm going to be front and center for the parades on Thursday morning! Abbey says I won't want to miss them!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday and don't eat too much!


Olivia Jane

It's Harvest Time!

Enough Play For One Day!

Me and My Main Squeeze, Caedmon!

Pumpkin Stew, Anyone?

A True Texas Tadpole!

Monday, October 20, 2008

No More Tears!

Finally! Since I last updated my blogsite, I've gotten that nasty colic thing under control and now I'm just a bundle of joy!

It's much easier to win friends and influence people when I'm not screaming my head off! Daddy, Mommy and I all have better attitudes when we get some shut-eye, too!

Anyway, now that things have settled down, I'm enjoying growing like a weed! Ditty and Grammy came to visit us for my big sister, Abbey's, birthday a couple of weeks ago and we had lots of fun. Of course, Mommy and I still have our bonding time during feedings, but I still get to play with others now and then.

I don't have much to report right now, but wanted to share some pictures with you below. Have a good night and don't get scared at Halloween! (Mommy has made me and Abbey some cute costumes and I'll try to post some photos next time.)


Olivia Jane

What Big Eyes You Have, Grammy!

Humpty Dumpty With Ditty!

Am I Cute Or What?

I Can Has Goldfish?

Sittin' Pretty!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Cry Me A River!

Thanks a lot, Grandaddy!

Apparently, I've inherited a case of the colic from my Grandaddy in Virginia! He had it when he was my age and almost drove his mother batty! Now, I'm doing the same for my Mommy and Daddy!

They have to take turns sleeping and taking care of me because I just can't seem to keep quiet! The doctor gave us something called "gripe-water" and that helped a little bit. Whenever we go outside in the heat, that helps, too. But, most of the time, I sleep all day and cry all night! Judging by the picture below, I think Emerson's getting a little tired of it! (Mommy babysits for Emerson so her Mommy can go to work during the day). The doctor says I'll grow out of it and I can't wait!

Otherwise, there are some quiet moments around here and I get to play with my big sister, Abbey. She loves me almost as much as I love her! I can't wait until I'm big enough to run with her down the hallway!

My Aunt Lucia and Uncle Joe stopped by recently on their way to Greenville and brought me a Glow Worm! They're so good to me and I enjoy spending time with them.

Keep us in your prayers so I can get rid of the colic soon! Meanwhile, come see me when you get the chance (and bring your earplugs!).


Olivia Jane

Emerson Seems Annoyed With My Screaming!

I Love My Big Sister!

Reminiscing with Aunt Lucia and Uncle Joe!

It's All Good!

'Nite all!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I Have Arrived!

Hello, folks! Olivia Jane here, reporting from the outside!

I arrived yesterday, July 8th, at 3:31 p.m., weighing in at 7 lbs., 15 oz. and I'm 20 1/2 inches tall!

Mom and Dad finally announced my middle name, Jane, in honor of my Grammy!

I have dark hair, but not as much as my big sister, Abbey, did, when she was born. Grandpa and Grandma, Ditty and Grammy, and Aunt Laura were in the waiting room when I was born. Daddy text-messaged Laura to keep them up-to-date during the birth.

I've been eating well and don't do much between meals except sleep. However, I do have a good set of lungs and can let people know when I'm not happy!

We came home this afternoon at about 5:00. Ditty drove me and Mommy and Daddy in our little car! Now that we have two car seats in the back, Daddy had to ride between them! It's a good thing he's not fat!

Some of their friends decorated our door for us with balloons and crepe paper chains and they made a Welcome Home sign for us!

I have my own crib in the same room with Abbey and I can't wait to spend more time with her. I can already tell she loves me! Mommy bought her a new baby doll and gave it to her in the hospital so they both have babies to care for!

That's all for now. Check out the photos below. I'll send more later.

Love you,

Olivia Jane

Hello, World!

Big Sister Gives Me Kisses!

The "Fam!"

Sunday, May 4, 2008

9 1/2 Weeks To Go!

Hi, everybody!

Olivia here and there are just over two months left until my arrival!

The doctor moved my due date up to July 10th and I might even get to make my appearance as early as July 8th!

Don't get me wrong! I like it in here. It's nice and warm and snuggly. But I've heard so much about my Daddy and Mommy and Big Sister Abbey that I can't wait to get out and see them!

Mommy and I are going to see Dr. Carter every two weeks this month. Then, next month, we'll go every week so he can check on my progress. Mommy says I feel much bigger and am more active than Abbey was, so I might even be born earlier than expected!

I'm so proud of Daddy because he's finishing school for the year and working real hard for us! He gets to start a new job soon and we're excited about it!

Know what? Mommy and Daddy are going to take me to the beach for the first time to celebrate their fourth anniversary! Mommy says it will be fun for her to float in the ocean. So, I'll be floating in here while she's floating out there! Abbey's going to stay home with Sarah, our babysitter, so it'll be just the three of us for maybe the last time. I can't wait!

Sorry I don't have any new pictures for you, but it's kinda dark in here and we're saving our film for the big day! Keep in touch!



Sunday, April 6, 2008

Long Live Olivia!

That's right, folks. I have a name!

Mommy and Daddy picked the name, Olivia for me and I just LOVE it, don't you?

"Olivia" is from a Latin word that means "bringer of peace."

I like that, because that's what Jesus did when he came into the world.

In just a little more than three months, I'll be born and can help bring peace, too!

Keep Mommy in your prayers because her heel has been hurting recently and she still has a lot of walking to do before I get out of here!

Thanks for praying for Daddy's job. He's going to have a brand-new one even closer to our home and won't have to work outside in the hot weather anymore!

I hope you like the pictures I picked out (below). One is of my big sister, Abbey, trying to touch me through Mommy's tummy. The others are from a recent visit to the doctor, when he used a special camera to look at me on the inside.

Before I go, I want to say, "Happy Birthday" to my cousin, Jayme, who turns three tomorrow, and to my Grammy, who turns ____ on Friday. (Mommy says she might not like her age posted on the World Wide Web!)

Hope you have a great week!


Olivia (Middle Name Still Unannounced!)

Big Sister Gets A Kick Out Of Me!

The Eyes of Texas Are Upon You!

Gimme Five!

This Is My Best Side!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm A Girl!


Mommy went to the doctor the other day and found out I'm a GIRL! Isn't that great! That means Abbey and I will be sisters! (That's why I changed my blogsite to pink!)

Best of all, because I already have tons of girl cousins, I'll get lots and lots of clothes for free! I might even have a different outfit for every day of the year!

My name? Well, you'll have to wait a while on that one. Daddy and Mommy are still trying to decide. But, I'm sure they'll come up with a good one! Right now, I'm just glad to know I'm a girl!

Mommy first felt me move in her tummy about three weeks ago and I'm not going to stop until July when they let me out of here! Thanks for your prayers about her side. It doesn't hurt anymore! Praise the Lord!

Be sure to pray for my big sister, Abbey, because she goes to doctor on Tuesday to get tubes put in her ears. That should help her feel better when it's all over with.

I hope to have a picture of my sonogram to post next time. Until then, you'll just have to use your imagination on who I look like. I tried to get Mommy to swallow a mirror so I can see for myself, but she won't do it! I hope I'm as pretty as my big sister!

Thanks for visiting and I'll see you soon!


New Baby GIRL Texan

Monday, January 14, 2008

Let Me Introduce Myself!

Hello out there!

My name is...well, actually, I don't really have a name, yet.

Heck, the folks don't even know if I'm a boy or a girl, yet! But, they should find out next month.

Mommy says, if I'm a girl, she's going to name me "Fannie" and, if I'm a boy, she's going to name me "Herbert." (But, I think she's just kidding. Not that there's anything wrong with those names! In fact, I had a Great-Great-Great Grandmother named Fannie Valentine, and still have a Great-Great Uncle named William Herbert! I know they'd be proud to have me named after them! ;-))

I'm scheduled to make my grand entrance into the world sometime this summer, probably in July.

All I know is that I'm going to have Abbey Dawn as my Big Sister! She has her own blogsite at:

And, don't worry about me not having any playmates my age. Daddy says there's like a jillion pregnant moms on the hall and they're going to have their babies this year, too! He says it must be something in the water!

I wish I had some more flattering photos to show you, but I'm posting the only two I have below. I'll try to get some better ones as I get bigger.

For now, thanks for visiting and stop by often!


Baby Texan

My First Photo Shoot!

Just Call Me "Peanut"!